潘劲波-注册会计师 税收计划讲座

Jan. 14, 2012

潘劲波-注册会计师 税收计划讲座

Tax Buffet, LLP. PH#847-9159950


1.Tax planning concept, to plan ahead is important to save your tax.
税收计划- 早计划, 多省税!

2.Set up new business and business structures, majority of new business start at home. Economic down time might be the good time to start a new business.
新公司的设立及种类-大多数的新公司是从家里开始的, 经济萧条也许是开始创业的良机.

3.Personal income tax, don’t pay unnecessary tax, pay your fair share.
个人收入调节税-不要付不必要的税, 合理省税.

4.Entities income tax, is your entity structure fulfill your business goal.